Seven Voronezh residents tried to steal 4.6 tons of metal from a moving train

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The investigation of the South-Eastern Linear Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Transport has completed the investigation of a criminal case against seven residents of the Voronezh Region aged 36 to 51. They tried to steal 4.6 tons of metal from a moving train, but were arrested. The criminal case has been sent to court for consideration on the merits. Currently, the accused are under a written undertaking not to leave the city and to behave accordingly, the regional Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported on Tuesday, August 6. The crime occurred in December 2023 at the Povorino station of the South-Eastern Railway. (SER – The attackers approached the moving train, while walking along the side gangway, they climbed inside the gondola car and began to put scrap metal fragments on its side with their hands, and then threw them onto the embankment). railway tracks Having decided that what they had stolen was enough, the accomplices got out of the carriage and began throwing the crowbar down the slope towards the road, where a truck belonging to one of the accused was waiting for them. At that moment, they were detained, the police reported that a criminal case had been opened under Part 3 of Article 30, paragraph “a”, part 2, Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (theft committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy). The maximum punishment provided for by the article is five years of imprisonment. Earlier, in the capital of the Black Earth Region, four drivers aged 43 to 55 appeared in court for attempting to steal copper cable and diesel fuel from Voronezh. Locomotive repair plant. The total amount of damage was almost 300 thousand rubles. Read more in the RIA Voronezh material. Did you notice an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl + Enter.

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