Sculptor Oleg Filimonov will create new compositions from parts of the Perm Gate

Publication in CHAT: Russia

They will be made of various elements of the metal frame, sculptor Oleg Filimonov decided to create new art compositions from metal parts of the “Perm Gate”. Nuts, washers, gratings, corners and other parts of the iron frame were found at the site of the demolished structure, he told the IA “Text” Photo: Earlier, Oleg Filimonov created “metal men” from the remaining essential items. dismantling the logs of the wooden letter “P”. Some compositions were received from Natalia Grabar’s gallery in Moscow, others remained in Perm. As the sculptor told the agency, a photo shoot for ten people was held against the backdrop of the place where the “Perm Gate” was located. Let us recall that the art object appeared in the city in 2011 as part of the PERMM project. Museum of Modern Art. “Perm Gate” was in the construction zone of a transport interchange on Gaidar Street. The structure was in a high state of wear and tear and could not be moved, so it was demolished in the second half of June.

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