Saudi Arabian clubs are interested in the Krylya Sovetov midfielder.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

06/09/2024 12:14 SAMARA. THE 9TH OF JUNE. VOLGA NEWS. MEDICAL REVIEW. Read: 88 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter Clubs in Saudi Arabia are interested in Krylya Sovetov midfielder Amar Rakhmanovich, Sport-Express reports. However, no specific proposals have been received yet. Rakhmanovich has been playing for Krylia since September 2022. The Transfermarkt portal estimates the player’s value at 2.5 million euros. His contract with Samara runs until the end of the 2024/25 season. Last season, 30-year-old Rakhmanovich scored 7 goals and made 4 assists in 29 matches in all competitions for Krylia Sovetov. Last news

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