Samara Region to introduce evidence-based medicine-based drug prescription safety monitoring system

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The Ministry of Health of the Samara Region has signed an agreement with B3-MED on a pilot test of a system for checking the safety and effectiveness of medical prescriptions. “This is a unique software and algorithmic solution developed based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. It combines the functionality of health care system managers to optimize the budget and clinical modules that improve the quality of the health care system,” said Mikael Ibragimov, CEO of B3-MED LLC. The system will achieve the following effects: – support for medical decisions when prescribing treatment to patients taking into account clinical recommendations; – reduce the risks associated with prescribing drugs through automatic analysis of their interactions and contraindications; – optimize the costs of purchasing drugs; – improve the quality and safety of medical care by selecting analogs of drugs with a higher rate of proven effectiveness; – automate the decision-making process on the nomenclature and volume of purchased drugs; – improve the efficiency of clinical pharmacologists through the use of new technologies and automation of ABC-VEN analysis. “The introduction of the system will help improve the level and quality of medical care for residents of the Samara Region,” said Armen Benyan, Acting Minister of Health of the Samara Region. The system is already being introduced in Moscow, and the Samara Region is the first region to adopt the best practices of the capital.

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