Roskoshestvo named the worst brands of ice cream – this is what we feed our children

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The study conducted by Roskachestvo experts caused confusion among ice cream lovers. The purpose of the study was clear: to identify possible signs of adulteration in well-known brands of ice cream. And what was discovered? Experts discovered phytosterols and a significant deviation from the norms of milk fat content in products of such brands as “As before,” “La Fame,” and “Filevskoye.” This indicates the possible replacement of milk fat with other components. However, not all ice cream came under suspicion. The products of the Vkuslandiya and Leningradskoye enterprises did not contain phytosterols, but serious deviations in the composition of fatty acids and triglycerides were identified, which indicates the likely replacement of milk fat with vegetable fats or the use of raw materials with the addition of animal fats. The study also found that some products, such as Ermolino and Polar Bear, contain coliform bacteria, which is a serious violation of quality and safety standards. It is important to note that no pathogenic microorganisms or Staphylococcus aureus were found in all ice samples, which confirms its safety for consumers.

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