Roskontrol named brands of milk that are impossible to drink and solid vegetable fat

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Roskontrol specialists purchased and sent for examination 50 brands of milk from different regions of our country. Vegetable fat was found in some samples. This item is considered counterfeit. It is not safe to buy even for baking. PRIMPRESS writes about this. Fortunately, along with fakes, there were brands recognized as quality; you can safely take them without fear for your health. Among the leaders were the brands “Ekomilk”, “Selo Zelenoe” and “Vkusnoteevo” with a fat content of 3.2 percent. The study found that these dairy products do not contain antibiotics or preservatives. And in terms of organoleptic indicators, these types of milk comply with GOST. The brands “Prostokvashino” with a fat content of 3.4 to 4.5 percent and “Milk from Our Milking” with a fat content of 2.5 percent are also recognized as the best. Experts noted that this product includes all the advantages listed for previous samples. Moreover, they did not even contain powdered milk, and there were also samples that were blacklisted by Roskontrol. Thus, phytosterols were found in milk “36 kopecks” and “Honest cow’s milk”. This suggests that the products do not contain milk fats at all, but vegetable fats. According to experts, these brands cannot be called dairy. In addition, non-compliance with safety standards was found in the Marusya and Every Day brands.

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