rewrite this title Ex-prosecutor of the Perm region Alexander Belykh may head the Chamber of Control and Accounts in Russian

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Governor Dmitry Makhonin submitted his candidacy to the Legislative Assembly. Ex-prosecutor of the region Alexander Belykh may become the new head of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Perm Territory. This was reported by a source to

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According to our information, his candidacy was presented to the regional legislative assembly by the governor of the Perm Territory, Dmitry Makhonin. Gennady Tushnolobov is expected to leave this post in February 2024. In October he turned 70, the maximum age for his position. Parliament will accept proposals for candidates for a six-year term until February.

The press service of the governor of the Perm region confirmed information about the candidacy of the former prosecutor for the post of head of the regional police commission. That Alexander Belykh held the position of prosecutor from 1993 to 2016. From 2009 to 2015 he was the prosecutor of the Perm region. Since June 2015, he has been appointed to the position of head of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

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