Retail trade in the Voronezh region has grown to 431 billion rubles in six months.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Retail turnover in the first half of 2024 in the Voronezh Region amounted to 430.7 billion rubles. Compared to the same period in 2023, the amount increased by 10.7%. At the same time, the share of retail markets and fairs in the overall structure decreased from 5.6% to 4.9%. The statistics were published by Voronezhstat on Wednesday, August 21. The share of non-food products in the structure of turnover amounted to 57.7%, food products, including beverages and tobacco products, – 42.3%. In absolute figures, this amounted to 248.7 billion rubles and 182.0 billion rubles; in the first half of 2024, catering establishments sold products worth 16.3 billion rubles. Growth in the food segment amounted to 5.3% RIA Voronezh wrote that by the end of 2023, the region’s total trade turnover reached 792.1 billion rubles, the growth rate was 4.6%. Did you notice an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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