Residents of Samara complained about a lake in the Volga region dying from construction waste

Posting in CHAT: Russia

06/04/2024 15:25 SAMARA. JUNE 4. LAST NEWS. Read: 166 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter Residents of the Dubki village village expressed concern about the state of the lake near Volgar, which is dying from construction debris. Information about this was published by the PLI Samara Telegram channel. “The lake, which is looked after by local residents, is rapidly disappearing. It is filled with soil taken from the Maslennikov plant (ZIM) and dolomite. Because of this, fish die, seagulls no longer swim in the lake, and people are deprived of the opportunity to swim.” , the message says. Photo courtesy of the SEA Samara channel. Last news

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