Residents of Ryazan were asked to close Pavlova Street to transport – News

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Residents of Ryazan asked to close Pavlova Street to transport because it blocks the passage of special equipment to garbage cans, making it impossible to remove garbage. Residents of Ryazan asked the head of the city administration, Vitaly Artemov, during a personal reception to help close Pavlova Street to transport. This was reported on the city hall website. Residents say there is a “constant heavy traffic congestion” in the area. They block the passage of special equipment to the garbage cans, making it impossible to remove garbage. Experts noted that the pedestrian street is temporarily accessible while the heating networks on Pervomaisky Avenue are being checked. “Currently, a project concept has been developed, which is at the approval stage for further implementation,” the mayor’s office added.

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