Residents of a seaside village are afraid to leave their houses because of the tiger • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Residents of the seaside village of Serafimovka are scared and scared to leave their houses because of the tiger, which they claim is roaming the area and entering the village. People post videos of tiger tracks in a village on the Internet. A video of the striped predator itself on the side of the road is also being circulated. Behind the scenes, a local resident very emotionally calls on the authorities to take action and expel the dangerous beast from the populated area. The head of the village of Serafimovka canceled school classes and kindergarten visits for today, December 1, and asked fellow villagers not to leave their homes. The day before, November 30, a fire truck with flashing lights was installed on the outskirts of the village to scare away the tiger. The head of the Olginsky district, Ekaterina Vannikova, wrote on social networks that on Wednesday they sent a letter to the Ministry of Forestry with a request to make a decision on capturing the predator. According to the director of the Amur Tiger Center Sergei Aramilyev, in Serafimovka three weeks ago a tiger dragged a dog from the outskirts of the village, but did not appear in the village again. Today, specialists are scheduled to arrive in the village to explain the situation and, according to Aramilyev, to deal with the sources of panic and false information.

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