Registration is open for a seminar for parents of children with autism in Tyumen – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The seminar will be conducted by Natalya Yurievna Sitova, head of the New Horizons Center for Autism Correction, neuropsychologist, educational psychologist, specialist in applied behavior analysis (ABA). The seminar will cover the following topics: unwanted behavior, sensory integration, sensory development of the child and his selectivity in food. A specialist will answer questions and give recommendations. To participate in the seminar you must register. The events organized at the RCIA are part of the project of the Tyumen regional organization VOI “Resource Center for Adaptation of Disabled People,” which is being implemented with funds from Presidential grants. The seminar will begin at 12:00 at the address: Tyumen, Permyakova street, building 2b. Information can be obtained by calling 8 (3452) 55 58 73.

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