Putin emphasized the importance of increasing rail freight traffic to the East

Posting in CHAT: Russia

February 07, 2024, 20:18 Irina Iriser/Unsplash Read 360tv in The volume of rail freight transport to the Far East in 2024 should increase to 180 million tons. President Vladimir Putin announced this at a meeting with government members. The broadcast was conducted by the official website of the Kremlin. “You and I must achieve an increase in transport indicators in the Far Eastern direction. This year they should amount to 180 million tons, and by the end of 2030 they will reach 210. [миллионов тонн]“, the head of state indicated. Putin said that to accomplish this task it is necessary to solve the problem of electrification of the eastern test site. The President noted that work in this direction is already underway. At the government meeting, the head of state noted that the domestic aviation industry was also discussed. Putin demanded compliance with the agreed deadlines for the transfer of aircraft to airlines. Authors: Polina SozykinaVladimir PutinFar East

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