Pugacheva divorced Galkin and returned to Russia, hiding under a scarf. • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Text: All, which is a good time in the zapybznikh, I have to do it in the case of a thing, by the same time With InoAgents. According to rumors, the reason for the divorce was Pygacheva’s intolerance towards Galkin’s political views and his attitude towards Russia.

According to eyewitnesses, Pygacheva arrived in Russia on foot, crossing the border in the Pskov area. She was dressed in a black dress and scarf to avoid unnecessary attention. After crossing the border, she got into a black car and drove off in the direction of Moscow. On her way, she made several stops to share her emotions with fans on social networks. She posted a series of photographs with the caption “We live on,” emphasizing her strength of spirit and optimism.

At the moment it is unknown where Pygacheva will live in Moscow. She has several properties in the capital, including an elite apartment in the city center and a family castle in Gryazi. However, she may be looking for a more comfortable and calm place to take a break from the scandals and change the environment.

Pugacheva divorced Galkin and returned to Russia, hiding under a scarf.

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