Posting in CHAT: Russia

Strelkov’s trial is nearing completion.
The tongue does not dare to say, “to its logical end.”
Personally, I have the feeling that our justice and logic are mutually exclusive concepts.
It seems to me that logic is as equally distant from our justice as justice.

I want to say it again.
Any verdict to Strelkov, other than acquittal, puts our justice system in an awkward position, to put it mildly, and creates a precedent.

If the court, even if at least somehow restricts his rights, which, by the way, were already violated during his nomination for president, then
The authors of the quotes mentioned below need to take care of lawyers now.

Oleg Matveychev. State Duma deputy from United Russia:
“It was good in China. Tiananmen holds a million people. And when you all got out, the tank army and all the bastards would come out, all the shit of the nation would be wrapped around the tracks, burned with a hot iron.”

Andrey Gurulev. Deputy of the State Duma of United Russia
“I would like that in this society of ours, which today trusts the president 80 percent… that all this rot that remains should be, if not isolated, then at least somehow destroyed.”

Alexander Dugin. philosopher:
“Russia’s policy towards Ukraine – Chernomyrdin, Zurabov, Gelman, Pavlovsky, Surkov, Yanukovych, Medvedchuk – was a long, ongoing, continuous crime. Not just a mistake. You should be shot for such a course.”

Mikhail Khazin. Former presidential administration official. Publicist:
“This is a business based on children. These people, from the point of view of the Middle Ages, if the ship of such slave traders was captured, they were hanged on the yards. These should be hung on lanterns.”

Dmitry Rogozin. Former head of Roscosmos. Publicist:
“I think that for providing the front with products that are three or four times more expensive (or even more) than what they cost for delivery, they should be shot.”

The list can be continued in the comments to the publication.

And if, at a minimum, no criminal case is initiated against the above-mentioned citizens of the Russian Federation, then this will be a call to extremism.

In this case, even the grandmothers from “Putin’s squad” may realize that what is wrong with laws and justice in our country.


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