Pozdnyakova said that March will be the driest in the last 100 years

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The first two decades of March this year turned out to be the driest in the last 75 years. According to forecasters, in 2024 the first month of spring has every chance of becoming the driest month in the last 100 years. Tatyana Pozdnyakova, a specialist at the Moscow Meteorological Bureau, spoke about this on Wednesday, March 20. “Light rain expected over the weekend will fill the rainbox to 3-5mm, but not more than 4-5mm. will fall by the end of the month.” – explained the meteorologist. Tatyana Pozdnyakova noted that the driest year in the 21st century in the capital was 2022. At that time, the monthly rainfall in the city reached only 13.2 millimeters. The forecaster added that in April, soil moisture will occur only due to the melting of the snow cover, as follows from the publication. Pozdnyakova also reported that March 19 was the last day of astronomical winter in Moscow. On this day, light snow fell in the north and west of the capital. Scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand said that the air temperature in the capital at night will drop to minus seven degrees in the second half of this week.

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