Poachers have once again stolen one and a half tons of fish from the Taganrog nature

Publication in CHAT: Russia

A couple of men decided to transport their catch – and it turned out to be no more and no less than one and a half tons – but something went wrong. The fact is that they were stopped for inspection by employees of the border department of the FSB of the Russian Federation. It turned out that there was a lot of fish on the SUVs: pike, sawfish, bream, roach. According to preliminary estimates alone, the damage amounted to more than 7.5 million rubles. Now the court will assess the degree of guilt of the men. Egor Belov All our publications about illegal fishing can be read at the link: https://bloknot-taganrog.ru/themes/brakonery_i_nezakonnyy_vylov_ryby/ 1677 News about Notebook-Taganrog

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