Platonov Festival performance canceled in Voronezh – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The play “Kulager” by the Kazakh State Academic Theater for Children and Youth named after Gabit Musrepov will not take place at the XIII International Platonov Arts Festival in Voronezh for technical reasons. The festival’s press service reported this on Friday, May 17. Money for electronic tickets for performances of the play “Kulager” scheduled for June 1 and 2 at the Koltsovsky Theater will be automatically credited to the bank cards from which payment was made. done within ten days. Tickets purchased at the festival box office can be returned to the place of purchase. The Platonov Arts Festival will be held in Voronezh from June 1 to June 30. Two dozen groups from Russia and abroad will take part in it. The Russian program will be presented by artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kurgan, Rostov-on-Don, Samara and other cities. The organizers expect to see more than 100 thousand spectators at the cultural forum events. Read more about the program of Platonovfest 2024 in the material of RIA Voronezh. Earlier it also became known that the parade of street theaters as part of Platonovfest 2024 will be held in Voronezh on Petrovskaya Embankment. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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