Pilots of the fighter aviation regiment of the Leningrad Air Force and Air Defense Association of the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted training flights involving mock air combat.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The crews of high-altitude supersonic long-range fighter-interceptors Mig-31BM and multi-role fighters Su-30SM2, having taken off from their home airfield, practiced detecting targets using an on-board radar station and conditionally destroyed them.

In addition, the pilots improved their skills in dealing with emergency situations.

In addition, during the flights, interaction with radio engineering and anti-aircraft missile forces was worked out.

Pilots of the fighter aviation regiment of the Leningrad Air Force and Air Defense Association of the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted training flights involving mock air combat.

Pilots of the fighter aviation regiment of the Leningrad Air Force and Air Defense Association of the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted training flights involving mock air combat.

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