Pensioners who have children or grandchildren will face an unpleasant surprise from September 1.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

In early September, pensioners with children or grandchildren need to be especially careful. Pension specialist Sergei Vlasov warns of a new threat to the older generation. According to the expert, from September 1, elderly people with close relatives should carefully monitor their contacts. A new type of fraud is spreading in Russia, affecting people with young relatives. Fraudsters not only call and say that their loved one has problems and urgently needs money, but also use modern technology to falsify voices. Vlasov emphasizes that it is almost impossible to distinguish a real voice from an imitation. Fraudsters use messages on social networks and voicemail to deceive pensioners. Elderly people may mistakenly believe that they are talking to real children or grandchildren, although in fact, on the other end of the line are scammers trying to extort money from them. How to protect yourself from scammers In addition to the voices of relatives, scammers can imitate the voices of friends or colleagues, which makes the deception even more convincing. Vlasov notes that criminals create digital profiles of people using information available on the Internet. Pensioners are advised to be extremely careful when receiving such calls. If someone asks for money over the phone, you should immediately end the conversation and call your relative back on a known number. This simple rule will help you avoid financial losses and maintain peace of mind.

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