Owners of apartments in the long-term construction on Pereselencheskaya Street, 98 in Perm began to receive keys.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Two more houses of the Vesna residential complex are planned to be commissioned in April. The delivery of keys to one of the long-term construction projects of the Vesna residential complex in Perm has begun. There were 117 owners waiting for their apartments here. On March 15, permission was given to operate the house at 98 Pereselencheskaya Street. On March 20, the owners began receiving keys and signing certificates of acceptance of housing. The Vkurs.ru portal was the first to arrive at the handover of keys and communicate with the participants in the process. During the first 24 hours, about ten owners signed acceptance certificates for the apartments. Most often we are talking about families with children, one of such families was the Metelkins, they already have two children. Natalya and Kirill bought an apartment in the Vesna residential complex six years ago. “It’s an indescribable feeling when we finally got the keys. We had been waiting for this moment for a very long time: when we bought an apartment, our eldest daughter was still three years old, and there were no plans for the youngest yet. Our apartment is just finished, but we’ll finish some things and move in soon,” the family shared. “We will definitely lay out tiles in the hallway and in the kitchen, stretch the ceilings so that there is fashionable built-in furniture. Natalya Ivashchenko, director of the Fund for the Protection of the Rights of Participants in Shared Construction of the Perm Territory, spoke in more detail about how the process of transferring keys to owners occurs. “This year there is a special procedure for transferring sites: owners have the right to divide comments into significant and insignificant. If there are minor comments, the acceptance certificate is signed; significant comments may be recorded by an organization that has the right to do so and has special permissions. If there are such comments, the act is not signed, and 60 calendar days are given for elimination,” explained the head of the fund. You can sign up to pick up the keys by phone or online. “Citizens received notifications about the completion of construction, which included all the contact details of the fund’s specialists. Phone numbers can also be found on the foundation’s website. You can also come to the office in the Slavyanovsky shopping center (Lenina St., 92). , room 309). The appointment schedule is developed remotely or in person,” says Natalya Ivashchenko. In addition, the Foundation’s specialists will work on site for two to three weeks, and a key publishing room will be installed in the house. There you can also get advice on accepting an apartment. Work continues on two more houses in the Vesna residential complex. It is expected that in April permits will be received to commission houses at the address: Pereselencheskaya, 100 and Ugleuralskaya, 25. The completion of the facilities was carried out by the general contractor VYSOTSPETSSTROY, we have been monitoring the progress of work since 2022.

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