On November 6, “almost summer” rain will fall in Primorye – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

According to the updated Primhydromet forecast on Monday, November 6, the cyclone may bring almost summer-like precipitation. On November 7, snow is expected in most of the region; there is a possibility of snow in the vicinity of Vladivostok. “Over the waters of the Yellow Sea, in the subtropical zone, an active cyclone is forming, the center of which may be over Vladivostok on the morning of November 6, bringing with it almost summer-like amounts of precipitation. in Primorye,” Boris Kubay shared the latest information. He noted that as the cyclone moves, a cold air mass will flow to its rear, resulting in snow of varying intensity falling on most of the region on the night of November 7 and during the day. Light snow is still possible in the vicinity of Vladivostok. The storm warning published by Primhydromet on Thursday remains in force; weather forecasters will clarify the details in short-term forecasts.

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