Norway remained the only European country bordering the Russian Federation that has not introduced such bans – May 23, 2024 – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Tourists will not be able to get to Norway either by plane or across the border in the Murmansk region Source: Daria Pona / 74.RU From May 29, Norway will no longer allow tourists from Russia into the country. Even with a Schengen visa, Russians will not be able to fly to the country’s airports or cross the border through the Murmansk region. The new rules are published on the Norwegian government website. “Russian citizens whose purpose is tourism and other non-essential travel will be denied entry across the external border,” the government website says. “The restriction applies to both those who have visas from Norway before the restriction of visa practices in the spring of 2022, as well as for visas issued by other countries in the Schengen area in 2022. Norway has suspended the simplified visa regime with Russia and has practically stopped issuing Schengen cards to Russian citizens. However, Norway was the only one left. A European country bordering the Russian Federation, which does not limit tourists from visiting the country.

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