Northern Fleet sailors practice combat techniques – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

News | 04 07 2024, 13:44 | Photo SeverPost: Press Service of the Northern Fleet In the area of ​​the village of Sputnik, practical fire exercises were held with units of a separate brigade of marines of the Northern Fleet. The marines practiced firing from BTR-80 combat vehicles, RPG-7 portable anti-tank grenade launchers, large-caliber machine guns and machine guns at targets simulating enemy equipment and manpower, the press service of the fleet reported. In addition, in a special place, unmanned aerial vehicle operators practiced the skills of using such Coptic-type equipment. Let us recall that the Northern Fleet naval strike group entered the Venezuelan port of La Guaira during a commercial visit. The detachment includes the frigate Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov and the medium ship Akademik Pashin. Read also: The Demo group will come to Murmansk To be the first to know about the main news and most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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