Northern festival in Lovozero lacks funding – Russia today

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News | 30 03 2024, 20:26 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost / Leonid Ivanov Sponsors do not respond to offers to support the Holiday of the North. Tatyana Sechko, director of the Lovozero national cultural center and organizer of the “Holiday of the North,” told SeverPost about this. “There is not enough funding. Previously, a snowmobile was a worthy gift. Nobody wants to compete for medals. This year the sponsors did not respond. They are all around, but for some reason no one can stop them. not to react,” says Sechko. According to her, preserving the passed down tradition of the holiday is becoming more and more difficult every year. Let us remind you that the absolute champions of the Festival of the North in Lovozero have become known. Read also: Murmansk resident became the strongest man in the world To be the first to know about the main news and most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel “Reindeer need a kick in the ass” In Lovozero, as part of the 89th Festival of the North, the next reindeer sleigh races took place One of the participants told SeverPost about her motivation…→

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