No shortage of eggs is expected in Komi • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The Ministry of Agriculture of Komi expects that the volume of egg production by the end of the year will not fall below last year’s level – more than 120 million pieces. Ildar Andaryanov announced this within the framework of a working meeting on the State Program of the Komi Republic “Comprehensive Development of Rural Territories” and “Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Markets for Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food, Development of the Fishing Complex,” which took place today in the State Council. A difficult situation has arisen in the poultry industry this year. It is estimated that total livestock and poultry production will decline by 19% by the end of the year due to an outbreak of highly pathogenic influenza in the Zelenetsky Poultry Farm. After all necessary measures have been taken, trial storage of the first batch of chicks is planned for the end of December 2023, and the expected date of receipt of the first chicks is February next year. The restrictions do not affect the laying poultry farm in the village of Vylgort and the pig-breeding complex, so the company continues to produce chicken eggs and pork products. For 9 months, egg production remained at last year’s level and is not expected to decline by the end of the year.

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