Nine new electric trains of the Ivolga 4.0 series will be launched in the capital – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Nine new electric trains of the Ivolga 4.0 series will enter the routes of the Moscow Central Diameters (MCD). This was announced on Wednesday, June 26, by Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport Maxim Liksutov. “We continue to develop the MCD on behalf of Sergei Sobyanin. By the end of 2024, we will update the rolling stock on long-distance commuter routes on MCD-3. In total, this year we plan to deliver more than 20 new Ivolga 4.0 trains. to diameters,” said the deputy. It is clarified that completion of the replacement of the train on MCD-4 is scheduled for the end of 2025. According to Liksutov, after the updates, passengers’ trips will become much more comfortable and safer, reports the official website of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin carried out the technical launch of the first section of the Troitskaya metro line from the Novatorskaya station to the Tyuchevskaya station. The length of the first launch section is 8.3 kilometers, including the Novatorskaya station. “, “RUDN University”, “General Tyulenev” and “Tyutchevskaya”. On Russia Day, all four generations of domestic Ivolga electric trains were presented at Kievsky Station: Oriolo 1.0, Oriolo 2.0, Oriolo 3.0. ” and “Oriolo 4.0”. Liksutov said that trains on MCD-1 and MCD-2 have already been modernized. They are also planned to be replaced by MCD-3 in 2024, and by MCD-4 next year.

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