New subject to be introduced in schools in September – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The Russian education system has welcomed the new academic year with major changes. Instead of the usual course “Technology”, the subject “Labor (Technology)” has been introduced, which reflects the desire to modernize education and prepare students for the demands of modern life. New course for junior grades For students in grades 1 through 4, the schedule will include “Labor (Technology)”, designed for 135 hours, that is, 34 academic hours per year for each grade. Classes will be held once a week. As part of this program, children will study several key areas, including: Technologies and professions, Manual processing of materials, Modeling and design, Information and communication technologies. Students will be able to work with various materials, such as paper, cardboard, fabric and plastic. They will master the basics of metalworking and sewing, which will not only develop practical skills, but also become more familiar with real professions. According to experts, this will help students better navigate the complexities of the modern world. More hours for secondary school. In the basic school from grades 5 to 9, the number of hours of study per subject will increase to 272. In grades 5, 6 and 7, this is two hours per week, and in grades 8 and 9, this is one hour per week. The program of these classes will also contain both mandatory and optional modules. Mandatory modules include such subjects as: Production processes and technologies, Food technology, Drawing and computer graphics, Robotics and 3D modeling. Particular attention will be paid to graphic literacy and drawing, which will provide deeper preparation for high school. Schoolchildren will also be able to choose additional modules, such as “Automated systems” and “Agriculture”, which will help develop special skills and decide on a future profession. The introduction of innovations in school education is aimed at giving children the necessary tools for successful adaptation in the modern world, where technological knowledge and practical skills are key.

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