New ban for owners of dachas and vegetable gardens: what not to do

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Since 2024, new rules have come into force for Russians, limiting the time they spend at their dachas and country houses. New ban for owners of country houses and gardens: what not to do From now on, homeowners will be able to stay in their country estates only for a certain number of months – from April 1 to October 1. If we are talking about individual housing. building, equipped with all communications in the form of heating and sewerage, then you can live there all year round. From 2024, new rules for Russians will come into force, limiting the time they spend at dachas and country houses. New ban for owners of dachas and gardens: what not to do From now on, dacha owners will be able to stay on their estates only for a certain number of months – from April 1 to October 1. If we are talking about an individual residential building, which is equipped with all communications in the form of heating and sewerage, then you can live there all year round.

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