Nadezhda Kadysheva addressed fans after a long silence – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Nadezhda Kadysheva Photo: © Belkin Alexey/ Folk song lovers have long been sounding the alarm about the fate of the bright performer Nadezhda Kadysheva, who has gone into the shadows. As usual, without official information, there are many rumors, each more terrible than the other. 64-year-old Nadezhda Nikitichna was almost buried, attributing the most terrible illnesses to her. To dispel speculation, Kadysheva organized an exhibition of her stage costumes at the All-Russian Museum of Decorative Arts on the eve of her 65th birthday, which she will celebrate on June 1. The organization of the exhibition in the museum is not accidental. Each of the dresses in which the artist appears before the public is unique. It is made from natural fabrics and hand-embroidered by the most skilled craftsmen. “Wherever she flies, everyone immediately takes out their dollar and comes asking how much this outfit costs. But they never sold it,” said Kadysheva’s husband and colleague Alexander Kostyuk. Maybe because these costumes are simply priceless. In addition to the exhibition, Nadezhda Kadysheva also spoke to the audience, proving that she is in excellent shape, and her voice still rings, which greatly pleased her fans. She assured that she would continue her concert activities from a young age. Following some basic rules helps her in this. “As we get older, we start to mumble, but we need to exercise, we need to eat more thoughtfully somehow. And, of course, mostly movement. And only everything positive. Although it’s not very simple,” says Kadysheva. And her son Grigory added on NTV that he admires his parents, who loved and cared for each other throughout 45 years of marriage.

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