“My son was celebrating his birthday, and then they told me he was dead.” Trial of a participant in a deadly brawl in the city center has begun in Voronezh

Publication in CHAT: Russia

On Tuesday, September 10, the Central District Court of Voronezh began considering the criminal case against 28-year-old Anton Kalinin, a participant in a deadly brawl near a hookah bar in the city center early in the morning of April 13, 2024. In the Liker hookah bar at 24 Koltsovskaya, the defendant argued with 31-year-old Vladislav B. To sort out the situation, the young people went outside, where the defendant hit his opponent hard on the head, after which the latter fell, hitting his head on the paving slab, and died on the spot. A criminal case was opened under Part 4 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, resulting in the death of the victim through negligence). The maximum punishment provided for by the article is 15 years’ imprisonment. During the hearing, the legal expert who performed the autopsy and two witnesses who worked as inspectors at the night establishment were questioned. But the victim, the mother of the deceased young man, was the first to speak in court. “My son was in a great mood.” Research experiment. Photo: Operations Director for the Voronezh Region. The woman said that on the fateful night, her son was celebrating his birthday. Vladislav reserved a table at the establishment and invited friends and colleagues to the party. “My son was in a great mood, cheerful and happy. On Saturday, April 13, at about 3:30 p.m., I received a call from the Investigative Committee and was informed that he had died. According to them, there was a conflict in the bar that escalated into a fight with Anton Kalinin. I was told to come to them,” the victim said. “Vladislav graduated from school with a silver medal, entered the pedagogical institute, and after graduating, he served in the army, and my son went to work as a salesperson in the sports industry. He was not a conflict person, he always tried to avoid conflicts. Vlad was sociable and very open. He drank very rarely, and if he did go to a bar sometimes, he preferred cocktails. He never drank cognac or vodka. And in general, he worked all the time, tried to earn more to pay the mortgage,” the woman said. “I wanted to talk to you RIA Voronezh archive – what kind of severe punishment the woman would prefer for the accused, she answered that she would like Anton Kalinin to be severely punished so that he would understand that swinging his fists is prohibited. In addition, the woman told the court that she does not believe in the sincerity of Kalinin’s apologies and believes that he has not repented. The grieving mother also told the court that she returned 100 thousand rubles that the defendant deposited into her account and refused 200 thousand rubles, which she was again offered in court, they told you many times.” I understand that you cannot send your only son back. But I still ask you to forgive me, I sincerely regret what happened. Believe me, I did not want this to happen, I really did not. I’m sorry, – the defendant addressed the victim. – He died from an injury caused by a craniocerebral injury. A craniocerebral injury with a fracture of the bones of the skull of the occipital part of the head. When asked by the representative of the state prosecution if the specified injuries could have been caused by a punch to the face of the deceased, the expert answered that they could not. In addition, the deceased was found to have a hemorrhage in the soft tissues of the face on the right and a hemorrhage in the left temporal muscle. The localization of hemorrhages in the soft tissues of the face and in the left temporal muscle, the morphological characteristics of the injuries and the relationship with intracranial injuries allow us to assume that the impact on these anatomical areas could not have led to injuries resulting in a fatal outcome, the expert explained. At the hearing, prosecution witnesses were questioned: “I turned my head and saw the man fall backwards.” Later during the meeting, the inspector who was working at the entrance to the establishment that night was questioned. The man said that he did not see the blow himself, but heard the sound: “I turned my head and saw the man fall backwards.” After everything happened, people ran up to him and tried to provide first aid to the victim. I do not know how the conflict began, but when the young people were standing on the street, I saw the accused take up a position to deliver a blow. They were warned to stop. They replied that everything was fine, both smiled and said that they were friends. It seemed to us that the conflict was resolved, so my colleague and I continued working,” the witness said. After the fall, the victim was unconscious, but remained alive. Clients and employees called an ambulance, which arrived 40 minutes later. When doctors arrived at the scene, they only confirmed death. Photo – google.ru/maps “He went into the bar for a jacket, and then simply ran away, who was also working as a controller that night, told roughly the same thing as his colleague told the accused – wait, wait, we’ll call an ambulance and the police now. He went into the bar for a jacket, and then simply ran away. After that, I took the hand of a guy who was in the same company with them and told him that he should wait for the police to arrive and that he would be a witness. I also asked him to call his escaped comrade. He seemed to get through to him and told him to come back,” the witness said, recalling that a day later, on Sunday. On April 14, Anton Kalinin contacted the police on his own A resident of Voronezh stated that he was the one who took part in the fight and dealt the fatal blow Earlier, RIA Voronezh reported that the editorial office had video from a camera inside the Liquor hookah bar. on Koltsovskaya, 24. Footage. The camera shows how the conflict began and ended in tragedy. The deceased fought with the suspect and allegedly hit him on the head with a glass. The militants were separated, after which the fight moved to the street. Did you notice an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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