Muscovites attended the program “One day with the Russian police” in Victory Park

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The Victory Museum and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation held a special program “One day with the Russian police”, dedicated to the 306th anniversary of the formation of the Russian police authorities. “Evening Moscow” was informed about this by the press service of the cultural institution – Visitors to the memorial complex on Poklonnaya Hill could visit an exhibition of automotive equipment, see demonstrations by units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also attend it. thematic master classes and concerts. All events were held as part of the family entertainment program of Victory Park. The main patriot,” the message says. Thus, during the day, guests of the event were able to see cadets in retro uniforms, life-size dolls, visit a large-scale exhibition of rare and modern vehicles, and also learn about promising weapons. and defense technology. Children and teenagers could take part in outdoor games, quizzes, various master classes and competitions. Among other things, a festive concert took place on the square with the participation of creative groups, a drummer show and an orchestra. The Victory Museum will host a press breakfast dedicated to the launch of the Patriot 2024 national award program. The official start of the program will take place on June 11. The main organizer of the event will be the “Rospatriot” program of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.

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