Missile strikes at sea were repelled by Black Sea Fleet sailors • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

More details: https://crimea-news.com/society/2024/01/16/1280576.html
SIMFEROPOL, January 16 – RIA Novosti Crimea. The crew of the patrol ship “Pytlivy” of the Black Sea Fleet conducted exercises at sea training grounds in the Black Sea. According to the Black Sea Fleet Information Support Department, the sailors practiced the use of weapons and electronic warfare equipment when conducting combat with an enemy surface ship.

“The sailors conducted artillery firing at air targets, practiced the use of electronic warfare equipment to repel enemy missile attacks, and also conducted training on combating survivability while the ship was moving,” the statement said.

Afterwards, the crew of the “Inquisitive” continued to carry out tasks of patrolling the Black Sea and protecting civilian ships on commercial shipping routes from threats from Ukraine.

In Sevastopol and Crimea, as well as other regions of Russia bordering Ukraine, there is a yellow (high) terrorist threat regime. In the regions, security forces regularly conduct scheduled training, including target practice. In order to maintain the peace of citizens, regional heads warn about this in advance on their social networks.

Read also on RIA Novosti Crimea:

Black Sea Fleet minesweepers conducted mine action exercises in the Black Sea

Black Sea Fleet ships conducted missile firing in the Black Sea

Bombs and torpedoes: Black Sea Fleet ships destroyed an enemy submarine

#news of Crimea #lentanovosteykryma #Crimea
SIMFEROPOL, January 16 – RIA Novosti Crimea. The crew of the patrol ship “Pytlivy” of the Black Sea Fleet conducted exercises at sea training grounds in the Black Sea. According to the Black Sea Fleet Information Support Department, the sailors practiced the use of weapons and radio-electronic means. https://crimea-news.com/society/2024/01/16/1280576.html

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