Metropolitan Mark said that many migrants are allowed into Russia – News – the city of Ryazan on the city website

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Metropolitan Mark said that migrants in Russia are allowed a lot. According to him, on the air of the “Obraz” program on radio “Logos Ryazan” there is disharmony and disproportion in relation to migrants Mark from Ryazan and Mikhailovsky. Ryazanka’s question about how Orthodox people should treat migrants. According to him, there is disharmony and disproportion towards migrants: “They are allowed too much here.” [в России], which is not allowed for Russians in other countries. And that’s not normal. This is not true. There must be a normal legislative framework that will put migrants in their place,” said Metropolitan Mark of Ryazan and Mikhailovsky. Answering a question about love and respect for migrants, he said that a positive attitude towards them arises after certain actions of migrants as human beings. I often go and say hello to the workers who sweep the courtyard in the Kremlin and take care of the splendor. They are people. I salute them… [Они] positive, conscientious, hardworking. Falling in love is like… In examples, when we see a person in life, we see his positive characteristics. Then there is respect and a kind of love,” he added.

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