Malbruk is preparing to go on a journey. ZIL – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Well, of course, we are not talking about the Duke of Marlborough, whom the French soldiers called Marlbrook before the battle near Malplac. But about “our little bunny” Mane Macron. Why did he become so belligerent? And let’s start the conversation, as always, with the Big Bang from afar. The evolution of stars. Didn’t expect it? Haha – there are analogies here too. When a star runs out of fuel, that is, hydrogen, and the conditions inside the star do not allow heavier elements to be “ignited,” then this happens – the star “inflates” and throws off its outer part. will equip itself and turn into a white dwarf. Well, briefly about the essence of the process. The United States, the support country of financial globalism, is now at just such a moment – there is not enough “fuel” to support a “nuclear” reaction, that is, a financial collapse. You yourself understand how it is – the “shells” will have to be thrown away, whether anyone wants it or not. No one has ever managed to deceive physics, that is, the laws of economics. The whole question is whether this process will be controlled and to what extent. And unlike stars, here everything can be turned so that after the collapse it remains possible to reignite “thermonuclear” fusion. But this requires coordinated, maximally accurate operation of the control circuit, otherwise there will be a collapse and a white dwarf. We will not consider the possibility of collapse into a black hole, neutron star and other exotic things. So, with the coherence and clarity of the North Americans’ management scheme, everything is very bad. A group of groups pulls a “blanket”. above themselves and ready to fight their competitors on their stomachs. And this is the “third” force. In fact, it is not the third, but already the devil, and the fact is that this force has always been present in the US political field. And this force is the “British hand”. Yes, unlike the “hand of Moscow,” this is a very real force in American politics. So, this force is now very actively working to seize leadership in the Anglo-American bloc. And here we smoothly move on to “our bunny” Mana. There is a lot of debate about who he will be. Americans or British? Or rather, the latter through their representatives in the US government. In this figure’s campaign headquarters, none of the important people even spoke French. And although they were parachuted from the District of Columbia, they most likely worked for London. Why all this inflating the noses with bubbles and spreading the fingers of the president of the fifth republic? The creation of a mini-NATO within NATO? Yes, that’s the point – the French are the instigators of the “European” union. We have already heard about “NATO brain death.” On the need to create a European army. On the need to create a European security system. So what’s here? And historically, it so happened that any unification with the French at its head would be anti-German. All practical steps in this direction will inevitably lead to… the collapse of present-day Germany. Prussia-2. Saxony-2. Bavaria – into the new Austria-Hungary. Independent Ruhr? New Weimar? And in general about changing borders in Europe. The point is that this is not someone’s bloodthirstiness or anything else. This is a stupid tool/method for changing power groups, that is, elites. Well, because there is no other way. It is impossible, impossible, to replace the elite there using conventional political methods. And so – a new country and new elites. Well, let’s talk separately about one nuance. The tasks of client countries are to, through their participation (!) or non-participation, prevent the creation of any regional unions that could become competitors of their sponsors. And what do we see? Well, yes: this is where Poland fits into all this Macron debauchery. Do you understand what humor is? Yes, the fact is that when Macron’s plan is implemented, Poland itself will most likely be “torn apart.” But the leaders of Poland do not care about this, they are fulfilling the order and the interests of the sponsor. According to the internal political situation in Poland. It seemed that the Washingtonians had driven the Londoners out of power. In reality, everything turned out to be wrong – one Washington group replaced another. But what this group has to do with London remains open to question. In addition, there are several similar groups in London itself. Summary: Scholz resists so desperately not because he is a pacifist or will hire You Know Who, but stupidly because he sees the direction of all this. But he does not want the collapse of Germany. For those who are in the tank and have not yet cleared the hole, understand what is happening: no one, including Macron, cared about the war with Russia. We are talking about supremacy in Europe. Well, one more thing: during a recession, large-scale wars do not break out. You’d have to be a clinical idiot to kill yourself like that. In conclusion, I will translate the words of the French president into ordinary human language: “We are tearing Germany apart.” ZIL

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