Lightning strikes Russian tourist from Samara on pier in Georgia – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The man miraculously survived and received virtually no injuries.

According to SHOT, some time ago, 32-year-old Pavel Smirnov, his friends and brother came from Samara to rest in Batumi. Yesterday evening they gathered on the pier to record a short video to the music of “Neuromonk Feofan” and admire the beautiful sunset.

The boys heard a crash, and at that very moment Pavel was hit by a powerful electric shock (on video). The man fell to the ground, and the clothes on his body caught fire and tore into shreds. An ambulance urgently arrived at the scene and took him away with burns on his stomach, back and legs. Doctors are surprised that he is still alive and has not received serious injuries. He is currently in the Batumi Republican Hospital.

Lightning struck a Russian tourist from Samara on a pier in Georgia.

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