leaders of change” • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

One of the significant events of the forum will be the awarding of participants in the “Knock on Hearts” donor marathon, which brought together thousands of capitals striving to do good deeds and donate blood. However, such a marathon would be impossible without volunteers – the organizers of the donor movement. X Forum of organizers of the donor movement “Management of the donor movement: leaders of change” is held by the National Health Development Fund, the donor movement of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov and the Coordination Council of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on blood and bone marrow donation. A separate track will be devoted to the topic of mentoring in giving. Participants will be able to network with experts, learn more about blood, plasma and bone marrow donation, become mentors in the donor movement and share their experiences with other participants. One of the forum events will be training on the use of neural networks to prepare reliable and relevant materials for donations, which will help organizers receive more effective resources. You can follow news and updates on the official website and social networks of the National Health Development Fund. The event takes place within the framework of the National Health Development Fund project “Irreversible stock. Mentors of the donor movement – blood service” with the support of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Moscow Population. To participate, you must fill out the form before 12.00 (Moscow time) on November 20. The forum will be held at the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, broadcast online on the channel of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

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