Labor productivity and society. ZIL • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

This is one of the “eternal” topics. To be honest, it’s already boring to listen and read empty chatter about labor productivity. Especially in combination with the thesis put forward in the “holy” nineties, that our labor productivity is extremely low. And therefore our products are uncompetitive in world markets. And so you sit here at your gas station, pretending to be a country and not rocking the boat – your lot is at most 2% of world GDP. Not only is this artificially introduced nonsense, but this nonsense has no systematic basis. So let’s systematically understand this issue. In my previous texts on this topic (first and second), I have already shown that there are only three (Karl!) ways to increase this very productivity. But the situation is even worse – almost all 100% of those who talk and write about this, for some reason, completely abandon the systematic approach. Analysis of the best performance in several related business areas. And in 99% of cases it is just one specific enterprise. By the way, this is actually some kind of circus with horses and red clowns, they write like this: “Look – a smart capitalist increased labor productivity, threw out all the unnecessary people and increased his profits a hundred times! Have you eaten, lovers of “scoop” and all sorts of Marsisms and Loonisms?” Listen, well, this already looks very much like some kind of diagnosis like partial autism. Or some kind of systematic “color blindness”. I see, but around me I don’t see a damn thing. Well, let’s start to figure it out. This very productivity “lives” not with spherical horses in some ideal vacuum, but right in the thick of real life. This means that it happens inside society. And the way things are in the field of labor productivity directly and directly affects this society. What conclusion can be drawn from this? And the conclusion is this: the problem of labor productivity is a complex problem. And most importantly, it cannot be solved without the involvement of social science / sociology .Well, if you stick to the wording very strictly, then in particular/individual cases this problem can be solved, but what effect will it have on the whole society? And it can be sharply negative. By making yourself (at a specific enterprise, a particular capital) good and pleasant, you will crap on everyone around you. Well, now let’s move smoothly to the system part. First of all, it must be said that this very labor productivity is inextricably linked with STP (scientific and technological progress). Therefore, one of the three ways to increase it is the instrumental method. And this is what gives the most significant results. What kind of NTP is this anyway? Let us also apply a systematic approach here – the essence of scientific and technological progress lies in the expansion of production and technological chains. Those. As NTP evolves, the chains become longer. But here’s the “trick” – new “links” of these lengthening chains are also needed… by people. Starting to cut the line? Here: and let’s also add that with increasing productivity, each employee can stupidly support more and more “servants” – that very service sector. Well, do you understand? Now put it all together and what do we get? We get the following: labor productivity problems must be solved systematically. This is an excellent field for writing all kinds of dissertations, right up to creating your own scientific school. It is indeed necessary to derive coefficients for that part of the labor force that should undergo retraining when labor productivity increases, and for that part of the service sector that the economy can cope with at current productivity indicators. Very conditionally: we have such labor productivity. Well, with such indicators we have to retrain a lot of people every year/quarter/month. With such indicators, we can pay for the share of the service sector at 10-15-20, etc.% of the entire economy. Conventionally, for one turner we can pay 1-2-3, etc. For groomers, guys, this does not devalue the market in any way. Aren’t you outraged when Powell/Nabiullina announce their intention to achieve inflation targets? Don’t you see this as a threat to the market? Well, it’s the same here – understanding the essence of what is happening and achieving target indicators is good even in market conditions. If our indicators are normal and correspond to the calculated ones, then everything is in order with the economy, relax and blow a beer. . . If they do not comply, then this is a reason for the government to tighten measures and do something. Well, in conclusion, I’ll tell you a secret (shhh, no one!): all of the above, if put on a scientific basis with calculations and coefficients, is the path to that same intensive economy. This is no longer capitalism. A partial description of this is here. And finally, a little about the fact that labor productivity in our country is still low, but in the West it is high! Look how much they can pay in the service sector, twice as much as in the real sector. This means that one regular turner can handle up to five, six or seven dog walkers. I’ll tell you what the catch is – as already said, there are three ways to increase productivity at work. Those who have read my texts indicated in this text know what they are. So, in the West they are too detached from the accounting method of increasing productivity. This is a reporting detection scam. And it’s clear why – for financiers the main, main and almost only resource is emissions and money. And where there is money, there are accountants. But the other two methods were somehow not at a very high level. Well, they were at a low level. And here is the result – the United States stupidly pro$r@lid North Korea for the production of shells with destructive results. Yes, and all because they dealt with this issue of increasing labor productivity haphazardly. Here is the result. Don’t be like the Pindos, be systematic. ZIL

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