Komi complied with the presidential decree

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Komi informed the president’s directive – the head of Rosleskhoz Ivan Sovetnikov praised the first Forest Council meeting in the region, which took place at the Finn-Ugorsky Ethnopark on November 16. According to the federal guest, the event was very beneficial. “We agreed with Governor Vladimir Uyba to provide additional support for forestry workers in Komi. Specifically, we will allocate additional funding for salaries, which will allow people to feel the changes next year. We thoroughly discussed forest use issues, and we will continue to develop. We also emphasized the focus on forest fires. The 2023 season in the region went well – the president’s directive was fulfilled. However, unfortunately, fires are an annual occurrence, and there is no reason to relax; winter should be focused on working on errors and areas for improvement, so that we are fully prepared,” concluded the federal guest. Earlier reports indicated that an additional 20 million rubles would be allocated for the salaries of foresters in Komi, but at the Council meeting, the figure changed – I. Sovetnikov announced 70 million rubles, of which 30 will be directed towards salaries. Part of the funds will go towards preventive measures. The Council also discussed the opening of two new departments to strengthen the Forest Fire Center. The Forest Council was established on February 8, 2023, at the beginning of the head of Komi. The goal of the council’s work is to comprehensively discuss and address relevant issues in the field of forest use, conservation, protection, and reproduction, as well as to promote the development of the forestry complex in the republic and build dialogue between executive authorities, local self-government bodies, federal authorities, government, executive authorities and their territorial subdivisions, public associations, business representatives, educational and scientific communities. The Forest Council is headed by Vladimir Uyba.

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