Kim Jong-un presented Putin with the highest state award of the DPRK and two rare dogs

Posting in CHAT: Russia

DPRK leader Kim Jong-un awarded Russian President Vladimir Putin the highest state award of the DPRK – the Order of Kim Il Sung. This was reported by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). It is clarified that Putin received the award for “special services in the development of relations between the two countries.” Kim Jong-un considers the presentation of the order to the Russian leader a “great honor”: “He read aloud the joint decision of the WPK Central Committee and the State Council of the DPRK.” The Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly about awarding the order and personally presented him with the award,” KCNA noted. Putin received from Kim Jong-un two hunting dogs of the rare Pungsan breed, the Russian President said on Tuesday, 18th. Jun arrived on a state visit to the DPRK. His plane landed at Pyongyang airport. During the negotiations, the parties signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement. What the leaders of the two states talked about in the material of “Evening Moscow”.

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