К 2025 году завершится капитальный ремонт Дворца спорта №13 ДЮСШОР в Таганроге  

Публикация в ЧАТе: Россия

The Olympic reserve school No. 13 and the contractor LLC “Masterok” have signed an agreement, according to which a major overhaul of the building of the sports school’s sports palace will be carried out by the end of August 2025. The major overhaul will cost the regional budget 470.7 million rubles. Out of this amount: 154 million rubles will be allocated for the reconstruction of the building, and the remaining 316 million will be used for the purchase of new equipment, replacement of the sewage system, installation of a diesel power station, and video cameras. Tatiana Ivchenko Earlier it was reported that everything is approaching the goal: the transformation of the Taganrog Theater named after A.P. Chekhov 1320 News from Bloknot-Taganrog.

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