It is expected that the end will be the same as 80 years ago: mathematician Grigory Kvasha calculated the result of the conflict

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Professional mathematician Grigory Kvash, having conducted research showing the possible development of international conflict in the future, is convinced that a favorable period will soon come in Russia. According to Kvasha, Western countries are actively preparing for a strong confrontation using advanced technologies, but the result will be similar to the historical Battle of Kursk, which took place 80 years ago and became a turning point in the history of Russia. ; According to the forecast, a crisis is possible in the summer of 2023, when NATO and the United States may resort to insidious methods, believing that they will be effective. However, Kvasha claims that such a strategy will not bring them success. He is confident that Russia will be able to successfully confront many challenges and emerge victorious from the current situation.

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