It creates a vertical of power • Russia today

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News | 17 11 2023, 14:56 | SeverPost Photo: VKontakte/Andrey Malkhasyan The head of the Kola region, Andrey Malkhasyan, said that the transition to a “one-headed” management system in Murmansk and other municipalities of the region “contributes to building a clear vertical of power between the President and the Governor.” – Head. “Of course, this form is more understandable to our residents,” Malkhasyan believes. At the same time, apparently, he considers the transition to a “two-headed” system in 2010 a mistake. “It is worth noting that until 2010, the individual system was most common in Russia. Then they began to say that one head is not enough, that it is better when there are two heads: one is formally higher – he heads the council of deputies and represents the municipality, and the second leads the executive branch. But in fact, informally, the second has much more authority. This model is initially contradictory, because a person formally holds the position of head of a municipality, is the highest official, and they begin to offend him, realizing that, in fact, he only heads the Council of Deputies. And then a conflict begins, which completely stops the development of any community,” explains the head of the Kola region. At the same time, Malkhasyan stipulates that the interaction of the two chapters may be different, “the cases are different.” It is curious that Malkhasyan himself will soon leave his post. He expressed the proposal personally to President Vladimir Putin. After this, Malkhasyan was elected executive director of the All-Russian Association for the Development of Local Self-Government. Read also: Changes to the Charter of Murmansk were adopted unanimously, point by point and by “show of hands” To be the first to know about the main news and most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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