Iskander hit a concentration of foreign equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Northern Military District zone

Posting in CHAT: Russia

RIA NovostiRead 360 Russian troops hit a concentration of foreign equipment of the Ukrainian army with Iskanders. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “The crew of the Iskander operational-tactical missile system of the Western Group of Forces struck a concentration of foreign equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Special Operations Zone.” “- the publication reports. Earlier, the commander of the motorized rifle battalion group “North” with the call sign Balashov said that Russian troops conducted massive artillery preparation for the successful advance of attack aircraft in the direction of Kharkov. According to him, it is difficult for attack aircraft to attack a “fresh enemy” without artillery preparation. Also on May 15, it became known that Russian troops had liberated the village of Rabotino in the Zaporozhye region. The settlement was taken under control by units of the Dnieper group of soldiers. We attacked enemy equipment and manpower in the area of ​​Zolotaya Balka, Malaya Tokmachka and Nikopol Author: Emilia Malinina Russian Ministry of Defense Special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine

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