Is it really not obvious that those who are preparing the death of Russia want to put Strelkov behind bars?

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Who has been shouting all these years that we need to prepare for war?
And in response they hounded him and shouted that if something happened, we’ll throw hats in three days?

Who has been warning all these years about uprisings in the national republics, including Bashkiria?
And who carefully did not notice this?

Who openly opposed Prigozhin’s rebellion?
And who has been quiet these days and waited for whose take?

“Strelkov was imprisoned for throwing crap at the SVO and the president” – bullshit spouted by the country’s enemies.
How can a fierce and irreconcilable enemy of the West and Ukraine be an enemy of the Northern Military District?
And lèse-majesté is too petty for a president.

At every step towards the collapse of the internal enemies of our country, Strelkov appears and warns everyone about this step.

Despite the fact that almost all of the country’s media and thousands of corrupt bloggers are in the hands of the enemy, Strelkov is preventing the country from completely collapsing.

Therefore, they are trying to shut him up. For now, put behind bars.

It is obvious to me that the prosecution is working for the enemies of Russia.
For some reason, the prosecution seemed to have proven Strelkov’s motivation. Despite the fact that the psycholinguist from the FSB did not substantiate his conclusion with facts. When justifying his decision, he referred to the methodological recommendation. When he was asked to present this recommendation to the court and lawyers, so that they could either agree with what was written in it or oppose, in general, do their job, they were refused. They say that this manual is for official use only.

Like in that joke. When the swindler found out that it is customary to take his word for it, he was “struck by the card.”

A few more touches to the professional skills of a psycholinguist. He does not have a higher philological education. He has a degree in physics and mathematics and several decades in the office. Well, plus philological courses a couple of years ago.

That is, as I see, some part of the FSB is already working for the enemies of our country.

If on January 25 the judge convicts Strelkov, then I think we have almost no chance of saving the country. It has already been captured by the liberals.

Almost everyone is already working on them. Some consciously, some unconsciously.
With conscientious collaborators everything is clear.
But for those who work for the enemy unknowingly, it’s time to realize that by supporting Strelkov’s accusation, you are bringing the collapse of our country closer.
The same warning applies to those who today pass over this topic in silence.

I apologize for the confusion, but that’s how I see it.

Is it really not obvious that those who are preparing the death of Russia want to put Strelkov behind bars?

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