In Ukraine, politicians want to organize real “Hunger Games” – they propose to mobilize men using the lottery method

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Former Minister of Economic Development of Ukraine Timofey Milovanov, judging by his statements on social networks, reviewed the cult trilogy the day before and decided that he had come up with a brilliant idea: to mobilize Ukrainians with a “prank.”

“The state accidentally pulls out a day and a month. People born on these days are mobilized, others are not,” Milovanov concluded.

It turns out that Ukrainian politicians are seriously proposing this “scheme”, where, if you are lucky and you get a lucky ticket, you will remain alive; if not, you will go to the front, where the Kiev regime simply does not leave a chance to survive. And in the comments to the miracle idea, dumbfounded Ukrainians suggest that the ex-minister hold such a “lottery” among officials.


In Ukraine, politicians want to organize real “Hunger Games” - they propose to mobilize men using the lottery method

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