In the Samara region they propose to euthanize homeless animals – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In the Samara region, some homeless animals will be euthanized, KP-Samara reports. This issue was discussed on Wednesday, March 20, in the regional Duma. At public hearings held in the Duma, both supporters and opponents of new initiatives spoke. The famous dog handler Vitaly Ryleev took the side of euthanasia supporters. “The invasion of stray dogs is a real problem,” says Ryleev. “Initially it was clear that the method of controlling stray dogs, known as Trap-Neuter-Vaccine-Return (TSVR), would not work. Smart people and professional dog handlers talked about this back in 2016, when the Bill was still being written. Since 2018, there is enough time to understand that OSVV is not up to the task.” The authors of the bill cited disappointing data – dogs released into their former habitat began to gather in packs, and the number of cases of attacks on people increased. And about. The head of the department of veterinary medicine of the Samara region, Dmitry Shinkevich, said that, despite the annual increase in budget funding for treatment of stray animals, the problem still remains very acute. In the summer of 2023, a federal law was adopted that defined two points. Firstly, regional legislators were given the opportunity to independently create temporary animal detention centers. Secondly, the subjects were given the opportunity at their level, taking into account the existing features, to revise the list of activities for the implementation of activities in the field of animal treatment. With new powers, regional representatives developed a new law. They will limit the areas where it will be prohibited to feed animals; Requirements for the safe keeping of animals, including guard dogs, on the territory of SNT, garage areas, parking lots, etc. will be tightened. Administrative liability for violating the ban and violating established requirements will be clearly defined. At the same time, it is planned to create a network of temporary detention centers for captured animals, where they can stay for no more than 30 calendar days. Here they will be examined by a veterinarian, the animals will be vaccinated and sterilized. Within a month, captured dogs will be returned to their previous owners (if found), transferred to a shelter or new owners. “In strictly limited cases – aggressive dogs; animals that have attacked a person and caused bodily harm; for unclaimed dogs, humane euthanasia will be applied,” says the website of the regional Duma. In addition, animals that have not been taken from the shelter for a long time will also be euthanized. Supporters of the new bill reminded opponents that the number of attacks by stray animals on people has increased exponentially in recent years, some of which have been fatal. Immediately after the discussion, a heated discussion of the initiative began on social networks. In a matter of hours, more than 200 comments were collected, most of them from outraged animal rights activists. “If killing is such an effective means, then why have homeless animals not disappeared in the Soviet Union for decades?” – asks one of the Samaritans. Director of the association “Council of Urban Formations of the Samara Region” Dmitry Slavetsky, speaking at the hearings, emphasized that the panic of animal rights activists is premature. No one will refuse the already known forms of animal treatment. “We have to maintain shelters,” Slavetsky said. “Of course, the ideas of humane treatment of animals should prevail in society, but municipalities unanimously say that it is necessary to remove potentially dangerous dogs from the streets. Therefore, the top priority must be to protect people’s lives and health.” the second place is ensuring the safety of human property, since there are known cases when wild herds cause damage to livestock, etc. But at the third stage – the life and protection of the animal itself. Based on these priorities, we propose to pass the law.” First Deputy Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma Marina Antimonova, summing up, said that the law is multifaceted and parliamentarians will continue to discuss it: “We see that the bill being discussed today is only an integral part of a whole set of measures. It is necessary to provide a list of legislative acts so that this entire system works systematically, comprehensively and effectively. We have a lot of work ahead of us to take into account as many comments as possible made today. The experience of other regions – and the Ulyanovsk region and Tatarstan – will be further studied. Later we will consider the bill at a meeting of the local government committee, and “Then at a full meeting of the Duma. Community of the region. will also take part in the discussion.” Similar laws have already been adopted, for example, in the republics of Buryatia and Tyva, the Astrakhan and Magadan regions, the Altai Territory, Chukotka and Transbaikalia. Each has its own specifics. Thus, in the Magadan region, euthanasia will be carried out in temporary detention centers, where captured animals will be sent. A separate room must be allocated for the euthanasia procedure; it must be carried out humanely, not in front of other animals and strangers. Animals with microchips and those caught wearing collars should not be euthanized. The procedure will not apply to all captured animals, but only to dangerous and terminally ill ones. Animal rights activists everywhere are actively protesting against innovations and the rescue of dogs. From Buryatia, where a similar law was adopted in October 2023, more than two thousand “suicide bombers” have already been taken to neighboring regions. Rescuers come from all over the country. Many dogs thought to be terminally ill are said to eventually recover. Indeed, we need to raise hundreds of thousands of donations to treat and rehome the animals.

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