In the Samara region, the number of forest fires has decreased threefold thanks to the national project “Ecology”.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

05.09.2024 11:45 SEPTEMBER 5. LATEST NEWS. Read: 257 Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR + Enter This year, 16 forest fires and 15 landscape fires have been extinguished in the region. During the same period last year, there were more than 50 of them. The equipment purchased within the framework of the national project “Ecology” helps to detect and localize the fire in time. A new rotary bus has recently arrived, and now the forest fire equipment of the Samara region is 100% complete. Photo: Ministry of Forestry and Forestry of the Samara Region “The new domestic patrol bus is designed to transport 22 fighters along with equipment to the fire station. The all-wheel drive vehicle is perfect for use in spring and autumn, when dirt roads become impassable, explains Vladimir Goryachkin, Deputy Director of the State Institution “Samarales”. There are 17 fire-fighting and chemical stations in the region, equipped with fire engines, wheeled and forest fire tractors, bulldozers, patrol cars, buses. also a fire boat, as well as a semi-trailer with a tractor. In total, 111 units of equipment and 1,109 units of equipment were purchased under the national project “Ecology”. Thanks to the full set, 30 crews travel. patrolling every day. This, of course, is a huge help for our firefighters. It is very important to detect a fire in time and not let it develop into a serious fire,” Goryachkin added. In addition to land and water patrols, the situation is monitored by 45 video cameras on towers, covering almost 90% of the territory. forest fund of the province. The system operates through a special program “Forest Keeper”. “The camera rotates 360 degrees and sees at a distance of up to 35 kilometers. If there is smoke somewhere, the camera is activated using the informant, we Having determined in which forestry the fire occurred, we send foresters and equipment from the nearest station to the scene,” says the head of the regional dispatch service “Samarales”. To preserve forests, this is where new technologies come to the rescue – Jare – a universal tractor based on MTZ. It has a forest plow installed, but the suspension allows you to use various equipment: plowing the land, removing garbage, transporting water. Thanks to such updates, more than 19 thousand km of mineralized strips have already been cleared, almost 30 km of forest roads have been reconstructed. In addition, Samarales specialists build and reconstruct recreation areas for a comfortable and safe stay of residents in the forest. Latest news

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