In Taganrog, passersby ignored an unconscious man for 30 minutes – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

This happened in Taganrog on September 6, which makes us think about humanity and mutual assistance in our society. I, a journalist from Blokpad, became not only a witness, but also a participant in a situation that could have ended tragically if not for timely intervention. A man was lying motionless at a tram stop. Apparently, this is a familiar image for many city residents, because the reaction of those around him is alarming. People got off the tram and simply tried not to pay attention to the motionless man. Approaching him, I turned to a woman at the stop: “How long has he been lying here?” The answer surprised me: “About 15 minutes, probably drunk.” The indifference in her voice reflected the attitude of most passers-by. However, the situation was not that simple. The man lost consciousness from overwork – several shifts in a row at work brought him to exhaustion. Attempts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful, and I called an ambulance, which, unfortunately, did not arrive within 20 minutes. Everything changed when people realized that I was trying to help. Gradually, others joined the process. They also participated and brought water and ammonia. A citizen named Maxim provided significant assistance. Thank you very much! The end of this story was unexpected. The man, having regained consciousness, saw his tram and, without waiting for the ambulance, hurried to get on it as if nothing had happened. This case raises serious questions: why are many of us afraid or unwilling to help? What prevents us from helping a stranger? But most importantly: one good deed can start a chain of participation and change the behavior of others. I urge all readers not to remain indifferent. Perhaps your help will one day be decisive in someone’s life. Renat Agabekyan Previously reported: Is it possible to live in Taganrog on the subsistence minimum: we will find out and count 3097 News in Bloknot-Taganrog

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