In Samara, police filmed the rescue of a girl who threatened to jump from the balcony.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

06.25.2024 22:22 SAMARA. JUNE 25. LAST NEWS. Read: 345 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter On Tuesday, June 25, in Samara, a traffic police officer saved a girl who was trying to jump from a balcony. The events took place around eight in the evening in Maysky’s residential building at the intersection of the street. Stavropol and Mayskaya. Photo: video screenshot According to eyewitnesses, the police arrived on a report that a child had been hit in the yard. At this time, State Traffic Inspectorate employees heard screams and then saw a girl on the common balcony. “Police officers saw that on the 11th floor of a multi-storey building a girl had thrown her leg over the balcony railing and tried to climb over the fence, being below, they began to dissuade the girl from a reckless act, and at this time his partner, the inspector of the traffic police regiment, police captain Igor Zakatnov, quickly climbed up the floor where the girl was. Thanks to the coordinated actions of the police, we were able to quickly pull the girl out of the balcony and avoid a tragedy,” he said. Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Samara Region. It is clarified that now the girl is not in danger. Last news

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